Environmental Activities
We engage in CSR activities based on the METEK basic policy “Gathering creativity, making better products as a motto, making a concerted effort, contributing to society, enriching our living environment, and enhancing intelligence”.
Contribution to the community and society
As a company, we are working to contribute to the local community.

・ We clean up around each base.
Contribution to the community and society image
Contribution to the community and society image
・ We cooperated with blood donation every year and received letter of thanks.
Contribution to the community and society image
Contribution to the community and society image
• The Kyushu Works accepts local junior and senior high school students for work experience learning,
and cooperates with their career development skills.
Contribution to the community and society image
Contribution to the community and society image
BCP (Business Continuity Plan)
We will identify the serious risks that will affect business continuity due to large natural disasters, accidents, infectious diseases, etc. and formulate BCP regulations to respond promptly, and will continue to make progress in operation and further improvement.

・ To prepare for disasters, storage warehouses are set up at each site. In the event of a disaster, we aim for prompt recovery.
BCP image
BCP image
・ In response to the Nankai Trough Earthquake, which is assumed to be an increase in the frequency of earthquakes, we have subscribed to all locations for earthquake insurance.
・ To prepare for disasters, we will install storage warehouses at each site and aim for prompt recovery in the event of a disaster.
Environmental Activities
We acquired ISO 14001 environmental management system certification in May 2002, established the basic environmental policy, and are promoting activities in consideration of the global environment in our corporate activities. In addition, as part of our activities, we conduct in-house training on the environment each year.
Reduction of environmentally hazardous substances
Reduction of environmentally
At present, due to the global environmental protection and prevention principle, the regulation of environmentally hazardous substances (WEEE.RoHS.ELV) requires the manufacture of products that do not use specified harmful substances. Also in our company, as indicated in our environmental policy,
1. Maintenance management of chemical storage volumes 2. Conversion of chemicals to alternative substances 3. Effective use of resources (efficiency) and waste reduction The above three items are the work items.
LED fluorescent light installation
The installation of LED fluorescent light reduces power consumption by 12.187 KWh annually, leading to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
We will further promote the use of LEDs in the future to contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide.
Utilization of cogeneration
We have installed a highly energy-efficient cogeneration system and are working to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through energy saving.
As a result of this initiative, in December 2015 Eco Kyoto 21 and Global Warming Prevention Division accepted “Meister (Environmental Three Star)” certification from the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture.
Going forward, as an environmentally conscious company, we will actively promote activities that consider the environment.
Thorough management of wastewater treatment
In our plating process, heavy metals are used for the plating solution. Therefore, about drainage, the water quality standard is established by the Sewerage Law, sets voluntary standard based on the system for 24 hours and performs drainage management with strict management strictly.
Basic environmental policy
Basic environmental philosophy
METEK takes action in consideration of the conservation of the global environment in its corporate activities based on our basic policy “Gathering creativity, making better products as a motto, making a concerted effort, contributing to society, enriching our living environment, and enhancing intelligence”.
Environmental policy
METEK lists the main activities below in order to promote environmental protection contributions to local communities through metal surface processing.
At each base, we will continuously improve the environmental impact of our business activities, mainly on surface treatment, and work to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact.
We set our own standards and work on environmental conservation activities in order to comply with environmental laws and regulations related to each business site and other requirements agreed to by each business site.
We will carry out internal audits of our environmental management system and promote continuous improvement through voluntary management.
Regarding items that may affect the environment in accordance with the business activities of each site, in order to reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible, all employees will work as environmental objectives and targets, participate and implement the following items.
1) Maintain and manage the amount of toxic and harmful substances used. 1) Maintain and manage the amount of toxic and harmful substances used. 3) Promote energy saving activities and reduce waste. The goals and targets set will be reviewed regularly.
We will provide environmental education to all employees and members to carry out and maintain environmental improvement, and promote understanding of environmental policies and raising environmental awareness.
Environmental policy will be disclosed to the public if required.
President and CEO Takayuki Kitamura
Conflict Minerals Policy
Metek Group Conflict Minerals Policy
The METEK Group does not use the following transportation minerals in its business activities: Tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold, which are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries, and which are the sources of anti-government armed forces that cause human rights violations and environmental destruction. We appropriately conduct surveys on mineral origin and distribution processes in the supply chain, and do not hesitate to cooperate with surveys on conflict minerals conducted by customers, and work together to eliminate conflict minerals and responsible procurement activities.
President and CEO Takayuki Kitamura
Metek Group Conflict Minerals Policy
Please feel free to contact us if you have any
questions or inquiries regarding products or quotes.
Contact time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (except weekends and holidays)